Our guest speaker Lloyd Franke will guide us through goal setting strategies. Here's a preview of one of his tips:
Tip 2 of 4: Step outside yourself and observe
Sometimes it is a useful exercise to “step outside ourselves” and act as an independent observer. Pretend you are someone else.
- How are you doing in your quest to stop negative thoughts?
- What’s the possibility of reaching your goals?
- Are you truly committed?
Are you avoiding the steps you know are necessary to move toward your results? “Time for a cup of coffee.” Or “I better check my email – there may be something important.” Or “I can’t start that project now, I only have a half an hour.” Sound familiar?
If you observe this behavior in your day, you know what to do about it. Practice discipline and stay with the work. Set up a reward for finishing (coffee, stretch, etc.)
"Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." -- Conrad Hilton