Time is money, so when we hear that there are so many free on-line tools out there, we are skeptical. It's not free if you waste your time and don't see results.
On Friday, October 23rd at our eBiz Symposium, we have a panel of experts who will steer you in the right direction and tell you about their favorite, free on-line tools.
Of course, Facebook and Twitter are free, but what about tools that make them work better? The Chamber is using free tools to promote the symposium. One example is TwitterFeed which automatically posted this blog post to our Twitter account (@arlcc).
Have you heard the term "Cloud Computing"? Well, we will talk about how people can collaborate with each other over the internet. For the eBiz Symposium, our team of volunteers collaborated on all our documents without the hassle of emailing everything around. Learn more about how you can work smarter, faster and better using the best free tools.
Our panel on Free On-Line Tools will be moderated by Frank Days, local Arlington parent, and social media expert. Read more about Frank on his LinkedIn page or in his blog. Participating in the panel are Monique Cuvelier, from Talance (read her LinkedIn bio). Monique is a website developer who has a bagful of tricks to share with you. Recently she told us about a free webconference tool that she uses. Another panelist will be Patricia Carney from Walden WebWorks who works with small businesses and has lots of insight into tools to drive traffic to your website.
Read the handout provided at the event.