This Saturday, those of you who are Arlington residents have the opportunity to cast your votes in the town’s election. On the ballot—actually on the back of the ballot—will be four ballot questions that one result or the other will have an impact on business, which is why the Chamber had written an opinion piece for the Advocate. However, we missed the paper’s deadline. So while this won’t be published in The Advocate this Thursday I want to share it with you.
On Saturday, April 4, Arlington voters will face four ballot questions dealing with alcohol. The Arlington Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors wishes to explore the effect of these ballot questions on the business community, and by extension, the Town.
Ballot Question#1: Shall the Board of Selectmen be authorized to grant an additional 5 licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises in restaurants and function rooms having a seating capacity of not less than 50 persons?
The Chamber of Commerce believes that Arlington’s reputation as a dining destination benefits other businesses by attracting potential customers to town. Our restaurants are also a source of enjoyment for both local and out-of-town citizens. For these reasons, the Chamber endorses the increase of full liquor licenses from 10 to 15.
Ballot Question #2: Do you favor allowing the service of alcoholic beverages without food in licensed restaurants?
In a letter to the editor in the March 19 Advocate, five of Arlington’s leading restaurateurs urged voters to vote yes on Question 2. Allowing restaurants to serve patrons a drink without food enables them to remain competitive in an increasingly challenging economic climate. When they cannot, the restaurants find that patrons leave and drive to another town. As a result they lose the business that evening and that potential dining patrons never return. For these reasons, the Chamber endorses the increase of the service of alcoholic beverages without food in licensed restaurants.
Ballot Question #3: Do you favor increasing the number of stores in Arlington licensed to sell wine and malt beverages for consumption off-premises from three to five?
Currently residents who wish to purchase beer and wine have three local stores, each with its own distinct personality, to patronize. All three have operated responsibly since opening. Although East Arlington is already home to two of the current licenses, a beer and wine store located either in the Center or the Heights would provide residents in those neighborhoods with additional options. For this reason, the Chamber endorses increasing the number of stores in Arlington licensed to sell wine and malt beverages for consumption off-premises from three to five.
Ballot Question #4: Do you favor allowing stores in Arlington currently licensed to sell wine and malt beverages for consumption off-premises to sell all alcoholic beverages for consumption off-premises?
While residents can now purchase beer and wine locally, those wishing to purchase liquor still need to travel to neighboring communities. Since many of these shoppers combine these trips with other errands, even more shopping is done in neighboring communities. As a result, shopping dollars that could have been spent in Arlington leave town. For this reason, the Chamber endorses allowing stores in Arlington currently licensed to sell wine and malt beverages for consumption off-premises to sell all alcoholic beverages for consumption off-premises.
The Chamber’s Board of Directors is not advocating increased alcohol consumption. It does, however, advocate for new business growth, having witnessed the positive impact that these new enterprises have had on other businesses and on the community itself.
While the passage of these ballot questions will not affect alcohol consumption, the Chamber does believe that their passage will affect where residents spend their shopping dollars.
The Chamber of Commerce endorses all the ballot questions that promote business and foster a vital and thriving community. The Chamber encourages you to cast your vote in favor of these ballot questions on April 4.